In the Sanskrit language of the Rishi, the dreamer is called ‘Teijas’. A life attached to the body sees the material world without knowing its real relation and experiences the waking state, deluded by its false existence, and is thus named as Vishvan as a specific personality. Now that life force withdraws itself from the rhythm of the external world and establishes a relationship with the subtle body to form a special personality called the dreamer or Tejas. Tejas’s dream is his own world of experience. Even if the dream is completely real to the dreamer while dreaming, we actually know that the dream world is nothing but a mental creation of the dreamer. While experiencing the physical world in the waking state, the mind collects some vague memories, and while dreaming, one part of the dreamer’s mind observes these memories in another part of his mind. So the dreamer or tejas enjoys the subtle material world, because he is only aware of the inner world. So Tejasa’s workplace became a dream world. Vishwanar and Tejas or the waking man and the dreamer are both special parts of our spiritual being. Pure consciousness interacts with the gross body and works in the realm of wisdom, and that truth or consciousness interacts with the subtle body and becomes dreamlike and experiences the world of dreams as light.