Bhubaneswar: A six-bed crisis is now in place at Kovidh Hospital. The five Yak Kovidh hospitals in the capital have the largest number of patients, from wards to ICUs, HDUs and ventilators. Surprisingly, Kovidh hospitals in the out-of-district are far more affected than in Bhubaneswar. From wards to ICUs, HDUs, and ventilators, the outlying districts are affected. The state government is failing to build adequate Covida hospitals in various parts of the state, and the lack of ICU and HDU facilities in the existing hospitals is becoming a burden. Because the capital has no beds for the seriously ill.

According to the BMC, there are 24 beds in 5 Kovidh Care Centers, including 5 Kovidh Hospitals, including Sams, Kims, Hitech, Aditya-Ashwini and Nilachal. Of these, 143 are currently being treated. Surprisingly, more than 6% of the ward beds have been filled at Covida Hospital. There are some beds in the Covida Care Center. Five hospitals have 24 ICU beds, all of which have been filled. Of these, 41 are from the BMC area. There are 56 beds in the HDU, none of which are empty. There are 145 ventilators, and 7 are being treated. Of these, only 25 are from the BMC area. With the ICU and HDU fully loaded, it could be difficult to transfer critically ill patients to hospitals. Even in some cases, if one hospital does not have an ICU, the patient’s life could be lost when he or she is transferred to another hospital. So BMC has to think about this from now on. Otherwise, the situation could escalate further.