Bhubaneswar: From January 1, there will be no more cash transactions at the toll plaza. The fast-tag system will be implemented. All vehicles are required to arrange a fast tag. If vehicles enter the toll plaza without a fast-tag system, e-invoices will be deducted in the name of the owner. The owner will go home at the address. That’s twice as much. If one is not paid and the other is cut, the case will go to court. Such strict arrangements are going to take place from January. Before the fast tag was tightened, a team led by NHHAI regional officer Ramprasad Panda today launched a process to inspect the infrastructure at 14 toll plazas in the state. Dry run or testing is underway at each toll plaza. It has been asked to ensure that the system works by the 31st of next month. Vehicles with and without fast-tag have been taken through toll plazas. Each toll plaza has been successfully tested, according to the NHAI. ETC Lane6 to be closed: Each toll plaza has an ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) Lane. At present, only cash is traded on this lender. Since many vehicles do not have this fast tag, they are trading cash while passing through this lane. It has been decided to close the lane on January 31. The groundwork has been laid to automatically cut off e-invoices if you cross 4 toll plazas without fast tag. Half return within 24 hours: Return within 24 hours through the relevant toll gate at the time the driver has to pay half of the return amount. This means that half of the deduction will be deducted from the account when returning. It is therefore clear that there is no doubt about it.