The committee has submitted a report to the Supreme Court regarding the negligence in the security of Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to Punjab. The committee, headed by former Justice Indu Malhotra, said in its report that Ferozepur SSP did not take necessary steps even after receiving information about the change in the route two hours ago.
Police need better training on VIPP security. The committee also recommended some measures to strengthen the security of the Prime Minister. The Supreme Court said that the advisory will be sent to the central government so that more precautions can be taken.
On January 5, 2022, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Ferozepur in Punjab. The Prime Minister had to go on the road due to heavy rains, but in the meantime, protesters were spotted 30 km away from Hussainwala, due to which he remained in an unsafe area for about 20 minutes. Terrorists are active in the area where the Prime Minister is staying and it is considered a hub for drug smuggling. In September last year, there was a terrorist attack in the area.